At the Department of Mathematics, we try our best to accept all qualified applicants, and to help them cover tuition and the cost of living.

Tuition is 4,000 euros per year (so 12,000 in total for the PhD programme). In recent years, tuition for all students was covered by a government grant, and we expect this to be the case in the future.

Every year, a limited number of exceptional students are selected for the position of Young Researchers, which provides a salary and some travel expenses. Please contact us as soon as possible if you would be interested in such a position.

Your government or government agencies might provide scholarships for students studying abroad.

You might also be willing to fund your PhD yourself. The major expenses to consider apart from travel are room and board. Expect to pay 200-300 euros per month if you rent a room, and 500-700 euros per month to rent a small apartment. There are also perks for unemployed PhD students, such as subsidised meals.

It is also quite easy for our students to get a part-time job as a programmer, tutor etc. – it helps cover
the expenses, and it's a great way to boost your CV and smooth your transition into the workforce. Note that if you are not a EU citizen, you can only work if you have a valid work permit.

Note that you will also need health insurance.